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Countries resources for Android

Set Up#

repositories {    maven { url '' }}

For country data#

dependencies {    implementation 'com.github.bastienpaulfr.AndroidCountries:countries:0.1.4'}

For flag resources#

dependencies {    implementation 'com.github.bastienpaulfr.AndroidCountries:flags:0.1.4'}


Country data#

Data is gotten from

Data is stored in a json file. This file is parsed during the first access to data.

// Create a countryManagerval countryManager = CountryManager(context) // Context is used for accessing to raw resource where json file is stored.
// getting the full list of countriesval countries: Collection<Country> = countryManager.countries
// Getting a country by nameval france: Country = countryManager.countryByName["France"]
//Getting a country vy alpha3 codeval france: Country = countryManager.countryByAlpha3Code["FRA"]
//Getting a country vy alpha2 codeval france: Country = countryManager.countryByAlpha2Code["FR"]


The flags are named by their 2-letter ISO-3166 country code, except for the constituent countries of Great Britain which have 6-letter codes "GB-ENG" etc).

Kosovo uses the user-assigned country code XK, which is not part of the ISO standard, but in use by several multinational organizations.

Flags are standard resources. Name of resource is ic_{2-letter ISO-3166 country code}

For example :

val resId = R.drawable.ic_fr

SVG counterpart of drawable resource is in data/svg folder


This library uses SLF4J for logging. Please use android binding to log into logcat. More info on Android binding

dependencies {    //    implementation 'org.slf4j:slf4j-android:1.7.30'}

You can also bind SLF4J to timber. In this case please use this dependency

dependencies {    implementation 'com.arcao:slf4j-timber:3.1'}

To activate verbose logging, please add this into your code :


Sometimes, it can have log for profiling, in this case, to activate them please add this in code :


One TAG is used for all logging from lib : AndroidCountries. It would be easy to filter on this tag if you want to disable all logging from lib. Filtering can be done with Timber and a Tree from Treessence

dependencies {    implementation 'com.github.bastienpaulfr:Treessence:1.0.5'}


Flag pictures#

The source files were taken from Wikipedia and are not under copyright protection since flags are effectively in public domain.


Copyright (C) 2020 Bastien Paul
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.