I wanted to play more with Kotlin and I wanted to publish KGeoGson lib to a remote maven repo.
I was following gradle guide to build my kotlin project with Kotlin DSL.
Bootstrap Kotlin projectCreate project directory with files of your library you want to build and publish. You may have a directory structure like the following:
projectβββ build.gradle.ktsβββ settings.gradle.ktsβββ my-kotlin-library βββ build.gradle.kts βββ src βββ main β βββ kotlin β βββ org β βββ example β βββ MyLibrary.kt βββ test βββ kotlin βββ org βββ example βββ MyLibraryTest.kt
SetupRoot build.gradle.kts
plugins { `build-scan`}
buildScan { termsOfServiceUrl = "https://gradle.com/terms-of-service" termsOfServiceAgree = "yes"
val clean by tasks.creating(Delete::class) { delete(rootProject.buildDir)}
In this file, Β« build-scan Β» plugin is activated and a clean task is added. Thatβs all for it
In this file, we define our modules
First we are adding some plugins
plugins { // Add Kotlin plugin to build our Kotlin lib kotlin("jvm") version "1.3.21" // Get version from git tags id("fr.coppernic.versioning") version "3.1.2" // Documentation for our code id("org.jetbrains.dokka") version "0.9.17" // Publication to bintray id("com.jfrog.bintray") version "1.8.4" // Maven publication `maven-publish`}
Then we are defining dependencies and their repositories for our code
repositories { jcenter() mavenCentral()}
dependencies { implementation("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7") implementation("com.google.code.gson:gson:2.8.5")
We need some more tasks to add sources and javadoc to our lib. We are starting by configuring dokka task:
tasks { dokka { outputFormat = "html" outputDirectory = "$buildDir/javadoc" moduleName = rootProject.name }}
We can then bundle documentation into a jar
val dokkaJar by tasks.creating(Jar::class) { group = JavaBasePlugin.DOCUMENTATION_GROUP description = "Assembles Kotlin docs with Dokka" archiveClassifier.set("javadoc") from(tasks.dokka) dependsOn(tasks.dokka)}
We are creating another jar containing sources
val sourcesJar by tasks.creating(Jar::class) { archiveClassifier.set("sources") from(sourceSets.getByName("main").allSource)}
At this stage, you are able to compile your lib. The most important part of this article begins. Letβs see how publication is working. It is very important to configure pom.xml file of maven artifact in a right manner. Otherwise you will not be able to submit your library into JCenter repo.
Letβs start configuring base of maven publish plugin
val artifactName = "libname"val artifactGroup = "org.example"
publishing { publications { create<MavenPublication>("lib") { groupId = artifactGroup artifactId = artifactName // version is gotten from an external plugin version = project.versioning.info.display // This is the main artifact from(components["java"]) // We are adding documentation artifact artifact(dokkaJar) // And sources artifact(sourcesJar) } }}
Now we need to add information about package in pom.xml file. You can edit pom.xml with pom.withXml {
val pomUrl = "..."val pomScmUrl = "..."val pomIssueUrl = "..."val pomDesc = "..."val pomScmConnection = ""..."val pomScmDevConnection = "..."
val githubRepo = "..."val githubReadme = "..."
val pomLicenseName = "The Apache Software License, Version 2.0"val pomLicenseUrl = "http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt"val pomLicenseDist = "repo"
val pomDeveloperId = "..."val pomDeveloperName = "..."
publishing { publications { create<MavenPublication>("lib") { [...]
pom.withXml { asNode().apply { appendNode("description", pomDesc) appendNode("name", rootProject.name) appendNode("url", pomUrl) appendNode("licenses").appendNode("license").apply { appendNode("name", pomLicenseName) appendNode("url", pomLicenseUrl) appendNode("distribution", pomLicenseDist) } appendNode("developers").appendNode("developer").apply { appendNode("id", pomDeveloperId) appendNode("name", pomDeveloperName) } appendNode("scm").apply { appendNode("url", pomScmUrl) appendNode("connection", pomScmConnection) } } } } }}
Now that your maven publication is well configured, you can configure bintray plugin
bintray { // Getting bintray user and key from properties file or command line user = if (project.hasProperty("bintray_user")) project.property("bintray_user") as String else "" key = if (project.hasProperty("bintray_key")) project.property("bintray_key") as String else ""
// Automatic publication enabled publish = true
// Set maven publication onto bintray plugin setPublications("lib")
// Configure package pkg.apply { repo = "maven" name = rootProject.name setLicenses("Apache-2.0") setLabels("Gson", "json", "GeoJson", "GPS", "Kotlin") vcsUrl = pomScmUrl websiteUrl = pomUrl issueTrackerUrl = pomIssueUrl githubRepo = githubRepo githubReleaseNotesFile = githubReadme
// Configure version version.apply { name = project.versioning.info.display desc = pomDesc released = Date().toString() vcsTag = project.versioning.info.tag } }}
Here we is ! Happy publication !